Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What I discovered in the CLUTTER

OK.....first of all, I want to tell you I had a very L O N G day yesterday!!! However, I did get to sleep in this morning. Since I did not fall asleep until 2:00 am - anyway just one of those things - I was to tired to sleep...never quite understood the concept, but I experienced that very thing last night.

So, my day yesterday....a day of discovery. Me and JESUS just worked and worked - He was cleaning the closet in my heart as I cleaned my earthy closet... Here's what we discovered..

Why am I keeping these boxes??? I need the space in my closet....someone told me to hold on to the box they are valuable....maybe the china that came in them is valuable (which is located in my china cabinet) but the box they came it???? UH???? So, it hit me - something that is of value to one person, may have no value to guess it - the boxes are out of here!! The space is more valuable to me....that's the way of our heart - we hold on to things that have no value, only because someone told us they are valuable. Heart check - what do you value?

Christmas Sweaters....
I love Christmas sweaters.....but I've had these at least 7 years!!! Time to MOVE on!! Letting go of the familiar - Christmas sweaters never wear out.. The gift that keeps on going and going and going...well you get the picture! So, what did JESUS tell me about my Christmas sweaters???? While the Message doesn't change; the method does!! I see that in our churches today - We have to stay up with the times! Not changing the MESSAGE - oh no....but the methods! You guessed it......bye bye Christmas Sweaters!! You were good for a "Season!"
Heart Check - Are you changing Seasons?

Wedding Garments
Yes, this is my wedding dress!! I just cried yesterday when I pulled it out! Over 23 years of marriage and we are still going strong! Can't squeeze in this size 8 anymore, I've grown in the LORD - Thank You, JESUS!! What did JESUS say too me??? Are you Wedding Garments ready for me to return? Oh, Yes, my precious Bridegroom - I am !! Heart Check - Are your Wedding garments ready??

What's hangers got to do with it??? Well, as I removed the clothes from the hanger, I just threw it on the ground.....yep...creating entanglement!! In the rush to complete my task I created a huge mess with the hangers!! Oh, many time have I've gotten in a BIG mess, trying to hurry through something GOD was teaching me. I'll do it my way and get it done!! OUCH- my toes are hurting...Here's what JESUS told me....untangle yourself!! There are things and people I'm tangled up with that I need to be untangled from! Heart Check - What is it that you need to untangle?

Comfy Shoes
I found these comfy shoes - I have not seen them in a know why?? I could not find them and actually, I had even forgot I had them. Out of sight out of mind....But, when I rediscovered them - I put them on that very minute. Why?? Because I remembered how good they felt on my feet....What did JESUS say about my comfy shoes? Remember....I am your comforter!! I am the place of rest - find your comfort in me!! Heart Check IS HE your Comforter??

Pretty Flip Flops....Maybe / maybe NOT
I purchased these flip flops from Wal-mart 2 years ago...I have NEVER worn them. Right after I bought them I read on line that they are harmful; they can sometime cause a chemical burn. click here to read the story. What did JESUS say?? Things may appear one way, but truly be harmful. GOD protected me from wearing the flip flops...crazy I know - but it's the truth!! Heart Check Do you Trust GOD'S discernment in you?

Shoe without a match
These shoes have no match....Can't find them anywhere! It's strange all but one, fits the right foot, the others have left..OK, bad humor!! What did JESUS say??? No Companion - that's how we feel sometimes - Like we just don't fit...there's not another one like me...YEP it's true! JESUS is our true companion! Heart Check - Is JESUS your heart's true companion?

I'm closing now...just want to give you a quick tour...

It is Finished :)

Little Decorations

Some Art work form my kids

Summer Shoe Bin

Prayer Closet

After 10 long hours of clearing the clutter from my closet, I can honestly say that I am much lighter; in both the Spiritual and Earthly house. I loved my day with JESUS - He cleaned out things inside of my heart that needed to be removed years ago. Sistas, I want to encourage in to let go of the clutter. Use that space for GOD'S GRACE!!

I love you!!

It's all GOOD in the Sista-Hood!! (and very tidy)


Kelly Weston Moody said...

Thanks for the word. I needed it and I know you knew that from our conversation. I have been in a clean out the clutter experience for a long time it seems. I suppose God is still not finished with me yet. Love ya Kelly

Sista Staci said...

Sista Kelly,
As long as we are breathing - GOD is growing us up. HE wants the very BEST for you!! Hang in there!!!

Leah Adams said...

Hi Staci,

Did you get my email yesterday about lunch? If not let me know and I'll resend. I used the email link that I had from where you emailed me previously.
