Life has been traveling at rapid speed for me these last few months. I wanted to take a few minutes and share just what's been going on in my quirky life.
In January Todd and I celebrated our 24th Wedding Anniversary. We started dating when I was 15 years old. He says he follows Biblical teachings...raise them up in the way and when there old they will not depart. He's to funny!
Also, our ministry team held a Divine Design conference at Life Church in Baldwin, Georgia. We had a wonderful day. I got to meet so many wonderful Sistas and the Lord was there with us in a mighty special way.
On to February....the Month of LOVE! Yes, sir indeed! My precious daughter Ansley Marie turned 21 on Valentine's day - I cannot believe that my little girl has gown up so quickly. She also got engaged to Jared Micah Green. We are all very excited and looking forward to what God has in store for their lives. Ansley also passed the GACE - Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators. She will be actively pursuing a teaching position. I know God has just the right place for her.
Andrew is loving college life at Lee University in Cleveland, TN. I miss him like crazy; especially at night when every thing is settling down. I think to myself where is my boy? I guess I'm like the Mama Hen needing to gather all her chicks inside the coop.
We also had a Divine Design Conference in Winder, Georgia at the First United Methodist church. We had a wonderful day. The Lord truly blessed our hearts and Sista Lisa Frost shared a word from the Lord with us..."What do you do when your house falls apart?" It was a blessed day through and through.
And I also had the privilege and honor to speak to a group of precious Sistas from Glory Baptist Church. The Lord did a real special work in the hearts of these wonderful ladies. After all, His word will not return void. And He that started a good work, will be faithful to complete it!
So, that brings us to March - lots of Snow this week in the Northeast Georgia mountains. It was beautiful and it slow things down for me a bit. But, my feet are up and running once again. God has work for me to do. And I so very honored and thankful that he has called me to work for Him.
Oh, yes...Bible study at The Torch is AMAZING! I'm loving the Monday night Mamas - We prepare dinner for them each week and have a 6 O'clock Snak-N-Yak - This has been a BIG hit with our Women. I am so proud of them. They work outside their homes all day and then give time to the Bible study each week. Several of the ladies told me they "cannot wait to attend and it is a blessed way to start off their week." I love it! I still hold my coordinating position on Tuesday Morning Bible study- these ladies bless my heart for many reasons. I love the Sista-Hood! We have on average 100 ladies attending between both classes. Yay!
Have a blessed Day! Love on the Lord today. Every body needs lovin' - even JESUS!
Saying again....
It's ALL Good in tha SISTA-HOOD!
Sista Staci :)
A Life Worth Living
5 years ago
You are one busy girl!!
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