Sunday, May 17, 2009

Are you "Souled Out?"

That’s the question The Lord asked me this morning. I first, thought yes Lord, I am “Sold” out to you. But, that is not what he meant. He knows that He has my time, treasure, temple, testimony, talent and yes, even my tongue (as unruly as it may be at times) so the questions He asked me was about the souls of others. Am I deeply concerned with the souls that he places in my path day after day? Or am I just complacent? As long as I know I’m going to heaven, is this enough? I have heard all of my life the term “The great Commission”, what is the great commission?

Matthew 28:16-20 (New International Version)

The Great Commission

16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

If we are truly “Souled” out then we should be actively pursuing the Great commission. As I read verse nineteen, I thought to myself how many time have I dismissed this verse thinking “I can’t go to all nations?” And just this morning, on this cool crisp morning the Lord revealed something so simple, but yet so profound to me. Staci, you have to start in the grocery store, hair salon, that precious bank teller and all the other places you go to reach the souls that I’m placing in your path. This is how we go to the nations. In my heart, I know there are others of you that have this same mentality of thinking I can’t go to all the nations….but, you can and are going to the grocery store. You are out in the world everyday – you can make a difference in JESUS’ name.

You are on a mission field each and every day. Go where GOD has placed your feet. Walk in HIS ways. Look around and see the precious souls that GOD is placing in your lives. I have learned over the years to obey when GOD puts something in my heart for another soul. Just the other day, HE prompted me to encourage the bank teller where I do my banking. I’ve probably seen this sweet Sister a total of four times, with the casual “Hello.” So, when the Lord asked me to give her this small framed Serenity prayer….you know, the one that reads “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.” Well, I knew I was on a Mission for HIM. No questions asked – HE has and plan and I gave HIM a hand. GOD had already been working in the heart of this precious lady. Her tears along with “GOD sent this to me” was priceless for both of us.

We must allow GOD to use us. If we are truly walking in the Great Commission, we must be obedient to GOD. I cannot begin to express to you the joy that floods your soul when GOD uses you to reach a lost or hurting soul. There’s nothing like it! When out of the blue, someone comes across your mind don’t dismiss it. Pray for that person and ask the Lord “Do you need to use me to reach out to this person?” I’m almost certain He’ll answer back – “Yes!”

That’s being “Souled Out!”

I love you, Sistas!!


Leah Adams said...

That my Sista, is a good word. We all can do a much better job of being 'souled' out for Him. I know that I can. I almost never pray like Jabez for God to enlarge my territory because I'm not doing a great job with the territory I already have. Lord, please help me to be 'souled' out for you.
