Tuesday, June 7, 2011

~~~~~~Wayward Wasp ~~~~~~

I love how the Lord teaches me simple lessons through nature. This morning I was sitting at the kitchen table watching my bird feeders. Just then, I spied a wasp flying around the feeder. As I watched the wasp it would fly up and around and then land for a second and then fly around a little more. Once it landed on the opening of the finch feeder (which is rather small) and I watched it walk into the feeder. I said out loud “don’t go in there.” It was too late it was trapped. For the next ten minutes I observed the wasp trying to find freedom.

What are the lessons?

First, the wasp had no business being around a bird feeder. Just like Christians, there are places that we should never go around. It’s a trap that will ensnare us every time. It may look harmless enough and might even afford a little fun, but in the end it’s a trap.

Then once we are imprisoned, we frantically try to find our own way out. I kept waiting for the wasp to settle down and fly down and find the little opening that brought him into the place. But, to my dismay he did not ever settle down long enough to go back where he started.

Sounds like me sometimes, we I find myself in a self made prison. I am looking for the way out on my own strength and knowledge. I will calm down for a little while, only to find myself spinning out of control once again.

The wasp would stop and walk the sides of the bird feeder and almost get to the opening. And just when I thought he was finally going to find freedom, he would start flying all over again. I can so relate, always going back to what I thought works. Trying to find freedom, but when it does not appear to be happening, I lose patience, give up and go back to doing what comes natural. And usually that has something to do with walking in the flesh and not the Spirit of God.

Another thing I observed while the wasp was trapped. There were other wasps flying freely by the bird feeder. I’ve been there just like the wasp, in my self made prison; watching others operating in freedom. This place can make or break you. Meaning that when you see others being free, you will either have a desire to go after it or you will have disdain for the person that has freedom. But, what we all need to know is WE ARE CALLED TO BE FREE! Freedom is for everyone, but freedom ain’t free. It will cost you something.

So, are you wondering about the fate of the wasp?

Just like we have someone larger watching over us, the wasp did to. I waited about fifteen minutes before I approached the bird feeder. And then I unscrewed the top and lifted the lid and the Wayward Wasp was free at last.

Just like God did for me. He lifted me out of my self made prison and gave me freedom.And I love him for it, and try my best to stay away from the things that trap me up.

Many Blessings,

Sista Staci