That is the title I like to write on my journals. Life is a journey, with many bumps, turns and twist along the way. One minute you can be traveling as you keep a steady pace, then all of a sudden you find yourself hitting the brakes! I love my life - I love it when everything is working together, yes, for MY good! But, on this journey to JESUS; He is teaching me that it is not the mountain top that I should desire in my life. It is the valley. You may ask "Why in the world would you want to be in the valley?" I have to admit I've ask myself and God that same question.
For years, I've struggled through the valley - noticed I said "through" - getting on the other side of a valley is victorious! That means you have climbed the mountain and made progress. I have learned so many things through the valley of life. One thing is I will not die there - Jesus walks with me and tells me things in the valley that I will never hear on the mountain top. Secondly, growth is a sure thing in the valley. Have you ever noticed that gardens are planted in the "bottoms" (termed used by my grandfather for his garden). Good things are grown and produced in the valley. Philippians 1:6 (NLT) 6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.
Traveling through on this Journey to JESUS - let's sum it up. One day you may run with leaps and bounds, while other days maybe a crawl. Just always keep pressing through the mess - keep a forward moving motion.
I believe with all my heart that God wants to show us that HE is in control. Praise the LORD if you find yourself in a position of total dependency on GOD. That is what HE wants - if we could handle "it" all, we would not need him to be GOD, King of Kings over our lives. Let Go and Let GOD be GOD!! There is Victory in your Valley!! Hallelujah~
Don't set the cruise control - set the Christ control!!
I want to encourage you to journal about your journey to JESUS. Write it all down,,,the good, bad, ugly, happy or sad - then you can reflect on how God was faithful through it all - you learned to trust God - through it all!
GOD will show himself faithful~
Living to Serve,
Sista Staci :)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Journey to JESUS
Posted by Sista Staci at 6:11 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 16, 2009
5 reasons for Blog Bust!!
Good Morning!
As I looked through my past post, I realize that I have missed so many opporunities to share what God has been doing in my life and the lives of those around me. My thought today is to play catch up with my blog. It appears that I started falling off the Blog Bandwagon right around the month of August, which is probably a true assessment of my life.
In July, I started a ministry program through my church called CAMS (Calling and Ministry Seminars) this program is for all people who have a call to the ministry. Which I failed to mention happened to me in February of this year. With CAMS I've had to STUDY! It's be a l o n g time since my brain had to do this with any structure. So reason # 1 for Blog Bust!
August, 2009 Me and the ministry Team from LAMBS (Love And Ministry Between Sistas) held our first Divine Design Conference in Winder, Georgia. It was GOD all the way! I stayed on my knees almost as much as I walked upright. (Well, maybe that's a bit exaggerated, but I did pray and not play a lot during that time). God redirected my son's life and Andrew started college at Lee University - he enrolled, got accepted and started classes in three weeks. My head was spinning- Reason #2 for Blog Bust!
Septemeber rolled around and I'm still studying and taking TEST - now that is a four letter dirty word!! My CAMS classes are every other month, however I have self directed study at home - I am not easily self directed - nuff said! Bible study at The Torch and Life Church up an going. Reason #3 for Blog bust!
October, 2009 The Divine Design minisry Team traveled to Hobe Sound, Florida. It was an 11 hour trip one way! We went to the Tommie Zito 10th anniversary Camp Meeting. Bishop Steve Brown prayed over our ministry team and set us forth to do God's work. Yes, I turned 43 during this month. Took my 3rd CAMS test - still not real thrilled with being self directed. Reason #4 for Blog Bust!
Novemeber,2009 COMPLETED CAMS!! I've already finished 135 Christmas Cards - about 100 more to go. This past weekend I was at The Desperate for God Women's Conference (with a cold). God spoke a word into me - I cannot balance it all on my pedestal - Oh yes...and it's HOLIDAY TIME - Reason #5 for Blog Bust!
I can truly say that I am BUSTED!! Through the past months I have learned to say "no" to people and things. Just because it may be a good idea doesn't mean it's a GOD idea! I have been learning the difference between good and GOD and let me just say "O" me......that little o can mean o so much....o my goodness...o I just can't....o my aching back - get the picture???
The word says that the earth is his foot stool, we are truly at his feet. The way UP is down. Place yourself on God's pedestal and allow him to direct you with his GOD ideas and opportunities.
I have missed you, Sista-Hood!! Thanks for loving me in the lean times! Sometimes we Glean and sometimes we Lean, through it all GOD is still LARGE and in CHARGE!!
I Love You!! Wow I typed all this without having a cup of coffee :)......
Living To Serve,
Sista Staci
Posted by Sista Staci at 5:27 AM 1 comments