Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do you want Distances or Deliverance???

My heart is beating out of my chest with fresh revelation from GOD. I felt HIS presence so intensely. This morning while reading and trying to clear my mind of so much clutter; the LORD spoke these words into my Spirit." Do you want to remain distance from me or do you want deliverance from me?" Well, LORD of course you know I want to be delivered...."Oh really???"

Well, "they" say confession is good for the soul...well, here goes! I have been walking through one major struggle after another. It seems as if there have been no mountain top experiences for me only valley after valley. While in reality that is not true. GOD has been opening doors of opportunity for me, but something inside of me has been so defeated that I cannot see HIS wonderful blessings.

I have been distancing myself from the LORD. WHY??? Well, it all became so clear to me. It's all about my approval addiction. When I feel I have GOD'S approval, I feel worthy of HIS fellowship and love. How messed up is that? We are given access to GOD through redemption of the cross, not by our own "right"eousness. We are clothed in HIS righteousness and we are freely given access to the throne of GRACE!! GLORY!! It is the blood of JESUS that sets me free - I can bring nothing to motivate the heart of GOD in the response of forgiveness. The Cross took away all of my condemnation.

So, here is what GOD revealed to was HUGE for me!

I tend to Distance myself from GOD during my Disasters, but HE want me to run Directly to HIM!!

What does Distance from GOD bring?
Disillusionment - You don't know which way to turn. What to do - your mind is GONE!!
Discouragement - So far down, you feel there is no way up!
Discontentment - No peace - No rest - No satisfaction!

What is the result if we stay Distance from GOD?
Determent - It is damaging to your soul. Hurts others.
Demise - Your relation with GOD will not grow. Also, relationship with others will suffer.

So, dear ones I encourage you to run to our Sweet LORD in the middle of your mess! HE loves us! If we feel that we must be all put together before we approach the King of Kings, the enemy will win, because quite frankly, while on earth that day will never come for us. The Cross was enough - It gives access - FREELY! It did not cost us anything!! Accept this and accept who GOD has called you to be. Don't allow the enemy the pleasure of placing distance between you and your Bridegroom.

2 Corinthians 5:21
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

That says it all, my sweet friend!

Open up your arms wide and say...Here I am, LORD....Here is my Mess - Stress - all for you to BLESS!! Take my Mess and make it my MESSAGE!!

Lovin' the LORD and Lovin' LIFE!
Sista Staci :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Our Small Group - 6th Grade Girls


Papa's Pizza

Pitts Park

Korri, Callie and Taylor

Having Fun

Hold on...Sistas!

So cute!!

Horse back riding...not!!

Todd and I have been enjoying our small group of 6th grade girls. Let's just say...Brother Todd is learning things he has never thought of.....I love these precious Sistas. They are a delight and so adorable!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Movie Night - March 6, 2009


MARCH 6, 2009

On Friday, March 6 The Torch was pumping with 75+ ladies all who were enjoying pizza, salad and yummy homemade desserts. Then we had our theme song playin' and our feet a swayin' to We are family....I got all my Sistas with me.....After "Jesus-ize" we enjoyed the movie with all the treat trimmings....popcorn and BIG boxed candy! We had a wonder-filled night!
I can't wait until our next girlz nite out!! Stay tuned!!

Love you, Sistas!!

Sista..Sistas Everywhere......

Just look at us girls, having FUN!!

Great Food and Wonderful Fellowship in the Sista-Hood!

My sweet Man was our Popcorn Popper...(Ain't He Sweet)

Here we have Grandma , Mama and Daughters-
Enjoying a Girlz Nite Out - YAY!!